[scrapbooking l misc]
Thank you.
So glad to hear from so many of you via comments and the over-whelming emails. There are so many views on this catastrophe, so much being said by so many people, but we all share this: sadness for the people going through this.
I haven't been on my blog for a few days for a couple of reasons. I guess I just wanted to let my thoughts "settle" with me before coming back to write about...everyday life. Because my life is "normal", and so many lives "aren't" right now. Such a strange thing to stop and think about.
And I hated this feeling of "okay, so while so many people are homeless, sick, suffering from loss of loved ones, let's move on here and talk about scrapbooking and photography and other stuff"...
But...here's the reality:
My life IS in it's normal state. And for the past week, during this chaos in our country, I've been up until 2 or 3:00am (for the past month, really) finishing my book project that was due to the publisher on September 1st-with-a-5-day-extension.
A stark contrast to the reality of so many other people right now, buy my reality none-the-less. And it just seemed (and is) so trivial compared to the...lives of so many others right now.
So, to lighten up the mood around here, but not to diminish the very reality of the continued situation in my country, I thought I would share the experience Heidi and I have had in writing our book! And by the way, the title (Tra-Digi™) is pronounced "tra-DI-geeeee", emphasis on "di", as in "Traditional" scrapbooking combined with "Digital" scrapbooking.
We sent the final project to Pine Cone Press this week. And what an all-consuming (and awesome) project it was to be involved in.
When we were invited to do this project, I'm not quite sure either of us realized the scope of the project in its entirety! In the various projects I've been involved in with Creating Keepsakes and Memory Makers, the "book" itself was already designed; I simply created my page(s) and submitted them to the publisher!
But for this project, we were asked to completely design the book, cover-to-cover! From the text design, to the font, to the title and table of contents, we did it all. Color scheme? Yep...we were in charge. Placement of scrapbook pages? Once again...our decision. How many scrapbook designs and the size of each? Another design point to consider.
Sound fun? Yes, it was. But...very, very time-consuming, tedious, and stressful at times. Complaining? No. Not a bit. Because I feel very blessed to even be a part of it. Very fortunate to be included.
And I hope you like it. :) It ships to the book clubs end of November, and to the stores shortly after that.
It's not a huge book...36 pages. But packed with some fun things. My sister, Heidi, of course, is a "digital" scrapbooker; I'm a "traditional" scrapbooker. But I've loved incorporating some digital elements into my pages and photography these days together with all of the texture that I love! These are some of the things I'll be sharing. And Heidi, in addition to sharing some fabulous digital designs, will take you through an easy "step-by-step" of your first digital page!
I know I've mentioned this before: I really loved creating the pages for this book. I used some of my favorite photos and stories. And lots of journaling right off of my blog.
Pages with lots of meaning behind them...together with some fun pages to round it all out.
So, we (Heidi and I) spent many nights these past weeks, on our speaker phones in our studios "creating" this book. Lots of funny conversations ("wait, Heidi, these aren't numbered the same...go to your sketch book page 33...see? No!!! It's not right!...okay...this color doesn't work for the header...what? you don't like that? why? okay...let's try this...hugh?), lots of serious conversations (family, Katrina-disaster, faith topics), and lots of "quiet times" where we realized we were both working and not talking and paying for our silence via a long-distance call! :)
Every time the phone rang this past month, dh and dk's wouldn't even attempt to answer it..."it's for you mom...it's gotta be Aunt Heidi"...yep. No doubt. What do you think, Heidi, maybe 8 to 10 times a day? Minimum? :)
We started the book out by actually "sketching it" into a notebook. We each had identical "sketch-books" that we would refer to, since we live 1000 miles apart! And these sketchbooks became our life and blood in the whole process.
We work so well together, even when we are developing product. When I have a vision, I "describe it" to Heidi, and she can make it "come to life" on the computer via a "mock-up". During the book development, I would often "pencil draw" something, and she would create it in Photoshop for us! It was quite an incredible experience and one I'll never forget.
So, that's what my life has been full of for weeks-on-end. Dh and the dk's were "hooraying" around the house when I came home and said "the project is shipped off to the publisher" on Tuesday!
Ummm...I don't think I'll tell them yet about the fun little projects I'll be working on for CK soon...let's just let them have me back to normal a bit first. ;)
Regarding the Katrina disaster: I have some direct information regarding "starting the process" of applying for an SBA/Disaster loan. I'm an Escrow Officer at a title company and closed an escrow for a gentleman last week that is an Agent for the SBA/Disaster Division and is being sent to the disaster area soon. He shared some very helpful tips (I was intrigued at the process and found myself asking a million questions...didn't even know why...until I received an email from someone who has friends affected that lost EVERYTHING...and then the wonderful ways in which God mysteriously works unfolded as I was able to pass on some "inside tips" to a family I don't even know...will never even meet here on earth)...just amazing. God is so good!
If you are in need of some information or know of a family or people that are feeling confused about the process of obtaining an SBA loan or grant, please email me direct (or post a comment here stating "please send Katrina info"), and I will send you the tips and instructions he shared. These loans are at 3% and cover the loss/damage to a victims home, contents and automobile! Victims must FIRST register with FEMA before contacting SBA/Disaster division...MUST obtain a "registration number" first...then the process evolves from there. I've created a word document with the tips he shared and am happy to share them at your request.
(Bloggers: please help share this info? Family by family, person by person. If we even help one, it's a blessing.)
May God bless the victims of Katrina.