Some newsworthy notes today...
I would like to SHOUT OUT to all MOMS with DAUGHTERS. Many of you read about it on my blog last year and yes, it's HERE AGAIN!!!
Yes, Revolve is here in Sacramento again---but if you don't live in Sacramento, they tour the US so check for a city near you! I can't say enough about this awesome event---if you are a mom, and you have a daughter, GO. If you are a young girl, ask, your mom or an aunt or a girlfriend to go with you!
What's it about? REAL LIFE. Girls facing the dilemmas and life challenges in the world today like: pressure to have sex, drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, guys, cutting, peer pressure, living through divorce of your parents, feeling lonely, feeling happy, feeling lost, feeling anything! The pressure to think of "beauty" as the exterior and not realizing that the "heart and inner person" is the true beauty!
Girls: don't hesitate to go with a friend only or a group of girlfriends!
Moms: it's an AMAZING bonding weekend between mom and daughter.
Women: call YOUR friends with daughters and GO!
You don't have to be a religious person to go. It's about LIFE. It's about LOVE. And it's AWESOME. Read about my review on it from last year's blog entry HERE.
To the many photographers around the country that have emailed me recently and in the past few months asking about whether or not I do training and or workshops: the answer is that YES, we are in the process of formulating a workshop towards the END of 2008.
The class agenda will revolve around the many questions I get emailed daily---business development, marketing, post processing, artistic style/questions, session details, natural lighting. While we have not yet specifically outlined or formulated all the details, we are accepting a list of interested photographers for a "mailing list" which will be the list that will receive the details mid next-year and an invitation to sign up.
Please note these requirements that we ask to be respected (and thank you!): This workshop will only be open to those photographers that are not in the area we market to directly. This will be a 300 mile radius, give or take, in any direction (to be considered on an individual basis at time of workshop sign-up). Also, at the time of the workshop you must have a verifiable website and email address (this will be a workshop geared towards professional photographers only).
If you would like to be on the email list, please email us at info @ (please note: spaces added to the email to prevent spam! Please remove the spaces!) and put "2008 Workshop" in the subject line.
Thanks for the interest and barrage of emails we are receiving! Truly appreciated!! :)
oh me me me! so excited that you are opening up registration to workshops next year! emailing you.
Posted by: anne | October 12, 2007 at 12:30 PM
WOOO HOOOO! At last! Signing up for your email list!
Posted by: Shelley | October 12, 2007 at 01:06 PM
DEFINITELY interested in the photography workshop! Emailed you!
Posted by: Shannon B. | October 12, 2007 at 07:33 PM
Posted by: Barbara | October 13, 2007 at 08:38 PM
Oh my gosh! A dream come true! I'm your BIGGEST fan! I will fly to your semiar even though I'm scared to death to fly! Sign me up-J.
Posted by: Jenna Lee | October 13, 2007 at 09:44 PM
Would love to do your workshop---I'm in the UK so won't get to unless you have an online program? Please let me know!
Posted by: Alexandra | October 14, 2007 at 04:48 PM
Yay! Sending an email!
Posted by: pennie | October 16, 2007 at 11:23 PM
emailed you! hope i'm not too late!
Posted by: gretchen | November 22, 2007 at 12:34 PM