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November 13, 2006


Cindy M.

This is so wonderful! I'll be looking for it in my own city next year! Thanks for sharing!

shayla p.a.

very moving thoughts and sharing today! thanks for the info. shayla


we all LOVE the real person behind the camera. you have no idea how you touch my life teri.

Sarah M.

The same group also sponsors a women's conference-- Women of Faith. When I went, there were Sandi Patty, Avalon, Ashley Smith (the one that used the Purpose Filled Life to escape from the Atlanta courthouse killer), Anita Renfroe (that women is funny!), Kathy Trocolli, etc. It was absolutely awesome. I think you would be blessed by that as well.


Your blog ALWAYS inspires, lifts up, and encourages. I haven't stopped by for a few weeks and just love to catch up with my hot tea at my side, reading and enjoying and watching you soar to the sky with your talent.

thanks for your thoughts, wisdom, God-filled heart.



Beautiful post! I have also been sponsoring a child through World Vision. This has been a most rewarding experience for my whole family. We truly cherish the opportunity to help a little child who needs help. It's an amazing opportunity!

muzic girl

i was at the revolve tour it was amazing i really felt like i grew in Christ!!!and i love all the music.all your testimonies got to me and Natlie Grant i love your modo (moddest is Hotest)well i am praying for all of you

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    “To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”


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