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June 07, 2005



very awesome...I love your entry today...pretty cool self photo on your main page...


Thanks for sharing. You are correct about the horror stories and communication. Communication is paramount and horror stories happen.

Love your ice cream entry and your use of the mica chips on the Paris entry. You've given me some new ideas to mull over for my CJ entries. :-)


Oh my! I've turned down every invite I've ever gotten to do a CJ, and now you have me salivating to do one! I love your ice cream theme! Tehehe, if I were doing an entry in yours, it would give me a good excuse to go to Marble Slab for a Double Dark Chocolate in a chocolate dipped cone!

Now I'm off to hunt down some friends to do a CJ with me!


Oh my! I've turned down every invite I've ever gotten to do a CJ, and now you have me salivating to do one. I love your ice cream theme. Tehehe, if I were doing an entry in yours, it would give me a good excuse to go to Marble Slab for a Double Dark Chocolate in a chocolate dipped cone!

Now I'm off to hunt down some friends to do a CJ with me!


Wonderful isn't it. I'm participating in 3 CJ at this moment, 2 overhere in The Netherlands and 1 ( at this moment) in the States. I will be joining another one real soon in the States. And in Septembre another is starting overhere. Oh Ter it is so addictive to join those CJ's I just love it. :)
I have ( yet again , sorry) a question. Can you please tell me how I can get a black and white photo with a piece of color in it, like your icecream photo? I used to know how to do it, but I seem to lost how to do it. I just love the effect of it.

Have a nice day


"Okay. My sister says I cheated...but I say Paris, France is fair game! I spent a summer there long ago...24 years ago...I was practically an infant! Okay...I was 18...just a young girl! She was going to pick Paris and said I shouldn't have picked someplace I'd already visited! But since I received the journal FIRST...well, let's just say it's *payback* for a sisterly deed I owe her on! :) I want to go BACK to Paris with Don!"

YES, I did read this miss sis...and for the record (my awesome defense), I have ADD!!!


Yea, well, because I have ADD, I clicked post instead of commenting...AGAIN...I think that you should have picked someplace that you haven't been to like - Hungry, or Madagascar...and kept Paris to me!!! But, that is okay, I will pick Lincoln, CA!!! You didn't pick that one at least!!! Ha!!!


I participated in a circle journal last year and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The woman who was immediately before me on the list is published quite a bit in my favorite scrapbooking magazine and the woman after me on the list lives closely enough we will eventually meet to crop together. :)

I LOVE the theme of ice cream flavors, though! Very creative!!


Thanks for that Teri. Your CJ and the others you posted are just gorgeous.
I am in a group with 16 other women at the moment and it is an awesome experience.
About to start a new group too.


This is awesome!!! Like I said before, I can't wait to see what you do in my book. This group is totally awesome!!!! :)



I remember seeing your CJ on 2peas and loved it! I have only ever been in one and that turned out to be a disaster. My theme was Favorite Recipes and I really liked how it turned out. However, it was for a dt for website that is no longer around, when the site went down so did the CJ and some of us don't know who ended up with ours and they were never returned to the original creators. I was really bummed to not get it back. So, yes communication is key!

Amanda E.

You are so incredibly talented. Thanks for the inspiration. :-)

diana molinaro

I so hope you get this i want to do one with a friend but my question is . Do you just make an album but nothing else to it when you first send it out , meaning is it naked no papers and your friend does that. You know plain white pages
Thanks diana

diana molinaro

I ment you dont use patteren paper you just leave them white
thanks again diana

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    “To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”


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